试管婴儿扎针视频:社卫中心“人盯人”管理 高

更新时间:2020-03-15 11:48作者:创始人

妊娠12周时,执行孕妇保健手册时(以下简称“制作一张小卡片”),意外发现她患有严重的肾脏疾病。说到这位“ Madaha”怀孕母亲,杭州拱墅区翔福街社区卫生服务中心的围产期保健医生费红梅和罗静为她出汗。如果不建议她一次又一次住院,恐怕母亲和婴儿都不会被覆盖。

现在,想要两个孩子的家庭数量增加了,许多孕妇在再次怀孕后更加放松,她们不像第一次怀孕那样保持警惕。众所周知,老年孕妇极有可能发生妊娠并发症。 太多的人怀有疾病,这最终会影响母婴的健康。女人在怀孕前后需要注意什么?希望提醒专家。


“当她怀孕12周时, 王来这儿筑一张小卡片。 她总是说自己身体健康,以前没有接受检查。博士 费洪梅说,由于她的高龄和第二胎,我们发布了一份清单。 这项检查收到了一项临界值报告:肾功能指数肌腱高达200,是正常人的四到五倍。这意味着肾脏功能严重受损。

医生分析说。 王可能以前有过肾脏疾病,但她不知道。女士知道结果。 小卡建设完成后,王先生前往上级医院进一步检查。 医生确认她患有严重的肾脏疾病。但是女士 王没有身体不适,坚持要回家。在从上级医院获得反馈后,发现高危孕妇返回家中,医生对此有些担心: 王的身体负担将逐渐增加,她的病情可能会进一步发展。

为了说服女士 王某要住院治疗,两位医生罗每天都轮流打电话和打招呼。看到电话跟踪无效,两人还讨论了Dr. 罗直接来说服他。看到医生的理解,女士。 王终于放手了。“现在,女士。 Wang在大医院成功怀孕了婴儿,怀孕29周,肾脏功能并未持续恶化。”每个星期,我们都会打电话给她并照顾她的身体。罗医生说。




With the increase of high-risk pregnant women, each community health service center now has a "man-to-man" management process.

"Our community hospital has to build cards for more than 2,000 pregnant women a year. Among them, there are more people in New Hangzhou and more births."In the case of expectant mothers with high risk factors such as cardiovascular 在哪可以做试管婴儿 disease, infectious disease, high blood pressure, pregnancy cervix, etc., we all ask for referral to a superior hospital while keeping track of them.Dr. Luo said, usually, the department can also meet some "big-hearted" expectant mothers, who obviously made a "high-risk" diagnosis, which is not serious.

There was a 36-year-old expectant mother who had lupus erythematosus before pregnancy. After pregnancy, renal function and cardiovascular may have complications 做试管女的要去几次 at any time. It was only after repeated advice from doctors that she was referred to a large hospital for treatment.

"As soon as we find a high risk, we report it. The higher level hospitals will also inform us if they have received high-risk pregnant women in their area.试管婴儿扎针视频:社卫中心“人盯人”管理 高The daily perinatal health department of the community hospital will follow up and manage until 42 days after delivery.Dr. Fei reminded that expectant mothers are older than 35 years old, have abnormal body mass index, have more than 3 abortions, scars, hypothyroidism, etc., all of which are at high risk.

Nowadays, there are a large number of migrants and a large number of residents. Many pregnant women are afraid of trouble and may not set up a small card in time. They may miss some necessary checks.Today, the card creation process is simplified. No matter where the hukou is, as long as you have a fetal heart rate after pregnancy, you can build a small card at the nearby community health service center to provide your hukou, early pregnancy B ultrasound, temporary residence permit, and marriage certificate.

"Don't set up a card for more than 12 weeks at the latest.Dr. Luo reminded that women must check their liver function, breast, and cervix before reconceiving.If the first child is not good, be sure to ask for genetic counseling before planning to give birth.During pregnancy, you should have a regular birth checkup, check your blood routine, urine routine, liver and bile acid, electrocardiogram, cardiac B ultrasound, etc., and make a prenatal diagnosis.Elderly pregnant women need to check up more often than ordinary pregnant women. It is best to have a check-up every two or two weeks. If you have any discomfort, see a doctor immediately.
